Hey guys, Jordan here.Merry Christmas! I know I said I wouldn't announce what Casey Games will be doing for 2013 until December 30th.But, to be honest, I couldn't resist.I would also like to welcome Casey Games' First EVER employee, Aidan Blackett.Aidan is an amazing artist and will be Casey Games' lead art director.So, without further ado, lets announce our new game.

Food World was an idea I came up with in early January 2011.Almost 2 years ago! I planned for it to be a virtual world (like Club Penguin) where you play as food and live in a giant kitchen.With different food-based rooms.Example: The fridge mall.The game failed.One year later, I planned to try do Food World again.So, I founded a games company.I called it Casey Games..Yes the original reason I founded Casey Games was to launch Food World (Seriously look at the first post on the blog).So after working on it, I sort of got bored and you guessed it, produced my first app!But now, because I have better programming skills and an amazing designer, we are going to give it another shot.We have an official blog up and running.Click here to view it!   Anyway, we plan to launch VERY Very very very soon & will be having an alpha party for the players (sort of like a meet-up on the game).So stay posted, follow me on Twitter and read the blog.We will give you an update very soon.